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Tech Stacks

Technologies and Tools I have worked with for over 3 years

GitOps Distributed Systems AWS
Linux, Bash Scripting Blockchain S3, CodeBuild
Python Kubernetes, Istio Cloudwatch
Asdf, Git, GitHub Helm, Docker EC2, EKS, ECS, ECR
Terraform Spring, Micronaut, Datadog, Splunk
FluxCD, ArgoCD Jib/Docker Okta

GitOps ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Certified GitOps At Scale. My first used of GitOps was ArgoCD. I love working with declarative approach where the desired states is known through well defined files and versioned.


  • Starting: FluxCD, GitOps Operator

Linux, Bash Scripting, Python ⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • I used Linux daily for building containers images and GitHub runners for microservices, automating script, GitHub actions to published libraries and I constantly learn new things every day


  • Ongoing: API development with FastAPI. FastAPI is a python framework for rapid APi development for microservices.

Distributed Systems ⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • I built and deployed distributed systems with Spring & Micronaut microservices technologies using as Docker, Kubernetes
  • I managed the deployment with helm, Spinnaker
  • I also created a continuous integration testing system to test Yaml formatting and good practices for Kubernetes manifests. The continuous testing also ensures developers does not integrate error to production regardless of the code and location


  • Starting: learning Go-Operator Development with Kubebuilder
  • Integrate Jib to build Java images because Java has memory leaks with Docker and Jib images are lighter and native to Java

AWS ⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • I developed a pipeline that compiled Java (Spring & Micronaut) microservices with Groovy into Jar file, and built the image on Amazon Web Services with AWS CodeBuild. The image stored on AWS container registry ECR which triggers the Spinnaker to deployed the images to EKS clusters

Monitoring, Observability and Troubleshooting ⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • I owned Java microservices and I monitored the DevOps pipeline end-to-end. I used Komodor for pods uptime and downtime, and Lens to monitor and troubleshoot failed containers in pods.
  • As part of my day-to-day activities, I monitored the pipeline from build stage (CodeBuild), Spinnaker deployments with Slack notifications, service failures alert with PagerDuty and CloudWatch.
  • I configured Splunk agents on Kubernetes manifest while I enabled services and monitor the Pods from Splunk Dashboard
  • I configured DataDog agents for Spring & Micronuat microservices, monitored and traced errors from DataDog ****dashboard


  • DONE: Istio: Traffic Monitoring, Distributed Tracing and Observability, and Security with Istio Service Mesh, Promethues, Grafana, Kiali, Jaeger

Infrastructure As Code - IaC ⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • I used terraform to orchestrate the infrastructure as a DevX Engineer enabling services for developers. terraform and terraform cloud
  • I used kOps to orchestrate clusters on AWS, deployed (the built images on ECR) on EKS and created Backup of the Cluster with Valero
  • I used Spin-hepler script to provisioned EKS cluster accessible to Spinnaker while I deployed the services from Images on ECR
  • I provisioned elastic infrastructure VPC, EC2 instances, Security groups, LoadBalancers, InternetGateways with CloudFormation

Kubernetes ⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • I provisioned EKS clusters with kOps, back-up and restore the cluster with Velero
  • As a DevX Engineer, I troubleshoot EKS clusters, pods and containers and communicate findings with developers. And, I implemented continuous testing that informed developers of errors about to introduce to production


  • Staring: Go - Developing Kubernetes Operator with Kubebuilder

DevOps Strategies ⭐️⭐️⭐️

I developed strategies based on my day-to-day collaboration with Developers and enhanced the Developer Experience (DevX)-I implemented a continuous testing that informed Developers on errors about to introduce to production

Technical writing ⭐️⭐️⭐️

I enjoy writing about technical subjects and I feel I can do a pretty good job about it! My motivation is explaining things in simple and practical terms and thus making things easier for others

Collaboration ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Jira (Sprint & Kanban), Notion, Slack, Google Meet, Zoom

Versioning ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Git, GitHub, Jira

I use A tool version manager (Asdf) to manage my local environment

I use Pip and Poetry for code versioning and dependency management

I use Renovate for dependency management for distributed reposirtories