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DevOps Independent Consultant @Udacity

Udacity - Oct 2020 - Sept 2021


  • I built a Continuous Integration & Delivery pipeline for Machine Learning (Flask) application with Circle-CI, Git, GitHub
  • I built Blue-Green CI/CD Pipeline with Jenkins, deployed, tested, monitored and maintained for containerized workloads on AWS

Tools & Technology used

Iac, Cloudformation, Jenkins, EKS, Git, GitHub, Groovy, DSL

Cloud Development on AWS

  • I refactored a Machine-Learning Flask application to microservices & deployed the application using CircleCi & GitHub
  • I developed an image filtering API using Typescript & NodeJs & deployed on AWS Elastic Beanstalk with serverless framewrok
  • I refactored Node.js application to microservices, I then containerised the *application with docker and pushed the container image to dockerhub. I deployed the application on *EKS clusters with Travis CI as the continuous integration tool and scaled the microservices application with CPU & Memory requests
  • I refactored a monolith e-commerce app to a serverless application using serverless framework, AWS Lambda & Node.js. The image and video files were retrieved, processed and stored on S3 bucket while the text files, such as item id, descriptions, purchase timestamps and amongst others were stored on DynamoDB as Json objects
  • I deployed static web app on AWS S3 bucket and I *created *CloudFront as CDN for global delivery to users to provide best experience when accessing the pages.

AWS Cloud Architecture & Iac-Infrastructure as Code

  • I provisioned Kubesphere on the EKS cluster with Terraform & kOps, then, I deployed Drool, k6, Dapr, Apisix, Keda on Kubesphere using Helm, and maintained the infrastructure administration with Kubesphere web interface - created groups and users permissions
  • I designed an Elastic Infrastructure to host social media application for 50,000 users, then I used Terraform to deployed the Elastic Infrastructure on AWS, scaled & monitored AWS infrastructure with Terraform
  • I designed Serverless Architecture infrastructure for remote developers with proof of Concept focus on DevSecOps and latency consideration *where I used *Amazon Incognito, Cloudfront, API Gateway

Monitoring & Observability

  • I integrated & deployed end-to-end distributed tracing with the Jaeger Operator on EKS cluster, *then I deployed *Kube-Prometheus & metrics-aggregator on the Kubernetes cluster using Helm package manager and I monitored & observed kubernetes workloads with Grafana GUI (custom metrics-CPU & Memory)
  • I troubleshoot the EKS cluster with distributed tracing metrics from grafana with less efforts and efficiency


  • I created Disaster Recovery for EKS cluster system with Velero and stored the backup files on s3 bucket (glacia)
  • I secured Web application with IAM policy, AWS Inspect, GaurdDuty, AWS Config, S3 encrypt
  • I recovered Web application with AWS S3 deletion marker & RDS database replication
  • I designed and implemented Security Architecture as part of the DevOps lifecycle-DevSecOps
  • I mitigated malware on Ubuntu 18.04 via vulnerability testing using OpenVas, YARA, CVE
  • I performed Security Audit and risk score with DREAD model
  • I implemented RISK remediation strategy with bcrypt & python using SHA-512 algorithm