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BlockOps Engineer @Chainsafe

Chainsafe - Dec 2022 -

  • DevOps Engineer with Sygmaprotocol, creating and developing DevOps and SRE strategy for peer-to-peer distributed systems
  • Collaborated with Engineers to remove blockers & optomised systems using their feedbacks
  • Redesigned & improved existing CICD pipelines & increased deployment speed from 15 mins 3 mins
  • Designed vROAD frameworks to integrate DevOps & SRE for distributed teams
  • Built & integrated a custom OpenTelemetry Agent to track Metrics, Logs for Sygmaprotocol distributed Systems
  • Planned, created and migrated Sygmaprotocol to operates in multiple regions and multi-cloud
  • Migrated the Amazon Elastic container registry to Github container registry, thus reducded cloud cost
  • Created security layer with two repo strategy that checked in sensitive data on the pipelines at CICD runtime
  • Planned, created and implemented TLS secruity with Eliptic Curve on Web 3 UI and RSA_2048 on distributed peer-to-peeer endpoints
  • Managed & Created DNS hierarchy for Devnet, testnet and mainnet for sygmaprotocol domains with Cloudflare
  • Refactored existing CICD pipelines to multi-regional deployment, reduced duplicate deployment files, 5 GitHub runners to 1
  • Created relaible and repeatable infrastructure in web3 using GitOps principles
  • Applying DevOps and Judoka principles to improve the infrastructure and make web3 adoptable and usable
  • Created a roadmap to manage the infrastructure as code, implemented IaC with Terraform, and imported existing infrastructure into terraform
  • Build and integrated a customised OpenTelemetry Agent for gathering metrics, logs for Sygmaprotocol - peer-to-peer distributed systems - Created deployment script and guide to help client launch Sygmaprotocol Bridge on their AWS environments

Tools and Technology used

Monitoring Cloud Microservices GitOps IAC Collaboration
Datadog AWS ECS GitHub Actions Terraform Zenhub
Cloud Watch EC2 Helm YAML Terraform cloud Slack
IAM, KMS EventBridge Git Boto3 Sprint S3,
Slack ECR Docker Github Container YAML Github
APM TLS Certificate Management Go Jinja2 JSON Zoom
Github Status AWS Outpost Lambda GitHub Container Registary CICD
Email Bash Linux SNS DataSync